Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shopping trip with Mom in Law

So mom in law is visiting from Kenya and of course she wants to hit the malls for essential things she needs to stock up on. Of course I am the one who has to chaperon because I am best at what i do...finding bargains!! Also, Kioko has no interest in shopping at it's my duty. So this was the real test to see if this diet is for real and also to test my strength. Do I have it in me to look but not touch or even stop?
So the first store we went to was T-J Maxx!!! One of the stores i often frequent. They should just put a banner with my name in metallic gold calligraphy letters that say, Thato's J Maxx...Because deep down I know they built that store with me in mind. How else would they know that I love to pay less for high quality stuff. My motto in life has always been, "Cheap Things Are Expensive." I know that you find that hard to believe but it's true, you buy a pair of cheap shoes and they will last you a couple of months until you have to buy one more. By the time you know it, you have spent triple the amount you could have paid had you bought the quality expensive shoes. So the truth is, I don't have Donald Trump money, so no, I do not spend ridiculous amount on stuff. Nor do I have the ghetto mentality of buying brands when the bank account does not reflect what you purchase. They call that "champagne taste with beer money!" I admire people who like the finer things in life and want to be better than what they are. But I think accumulating on flashy material things is not the way. Anyway...I hate Prada, I hate Louis Vitton, and Channel but that's just me...I am not judging anyone who loves those brands; maybe one day I will if I had millions in my bank account. When i shop, I just shop for quality stuff for LESS. I always say to Kioko " You are lucky I am not a name brand person!" Kioko would state as a matter of fact, "Money is still money, you are wasting it on things you don't need." Sigh....when will men understand that women need shoes for each outfit?
Anyway, Mom in law and I head to TJ Maxx and here was a test of my inner strength! We are looking for jewelery gift for my sis in law birthday.... I see pieces that i would have automatically gravitated towards and maybe even purchased right then. I look to the right just to avoid the bleed in my heart of not being able to even try on this sterling silver vintage necklace...but low and behold I see nice silk scarfs parading themselves on a rack. I ignore a bold orange silk scarf rudely screaming for my attention. I am so annoyed that I want to shred every bit of that uncouth beast! This attention whore with her bold colors thinks that she can tempt me...but I bet if i touched her, she is nice and soft....So with all my might I focus on the task at hand. My mom in law is aware of my promise and plan to not buy anything for a year so of course I am not going to act unlady like in front of her. It would be unbecoming of me...I built up this persona of a nice daughter in law, although at times that persona is fractured a little. Hey! I am human and we all have flaws. We are often too pressured to act right in front of moms in law. I had to hold my composure and act like a refined, disciplined lady I am....mimicking the ladies from the Victorian era..
To avoid the massacre that may have unfolded, I looked to my left, there was a myriad of clothes; nice fall jackets, woolen sweaters and high knee boots... My heart starts to pump faster and I break into sweat. I look farther down and protruding from above the shelves is a big bold sign that says SALE--Summer Dresses 70% off. I temporarily lose it...I hear Mozart's Allegro playing and suddenly, my body feels as light as air and like a zombie I start moving towards that magnetic direction. Maybe sensing the imminent disaster, my mom in law calls me back to check another silver piece she thought her daughter might like. I quickly snap out of my temporary insanity and get back to reality. THOU SHALL NOT SHOP... I repeat, I am lady and a lady must keep her promise. I cannot act like a fool in front of my mother in law. She was fully aware of my year long plan and quite supportive. I needed to act right and yes, right, I acted. I left that store with a nice sterling silver necklace, matching ear rings and ring for my sis in laws fortieth birthday. My high was from getting her that gift and that was enough for me. I was so proud that i resisted the temptation with the help of mom in law, she has no idea that her presence kept me in check and I thank her for that. I hope to keep going like this for a while. It's good to save money!
I resisted the temptation.

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